Industry Articles
Below are a list of music industry related articles and tips, some written by members, others from around the internet.

Fear not! Here are a few tips that are sure to get your creative process flowing again.1. Listen until to hear. I know this sounds very zen and may seem like spiritual mumbo-jumbo to some of you. But ...

Downsizing for DIY musicians.Striving independent artists want MORE.More listeners, more money, more opportunities, more recognition.But there are a few areas where you could actually benefit by doing...
The Four Levels of Musicianship
As in most activities, levels of proficiency can be established. Whether you are speaking of driving skills, golfing ability or Art, each have recognizable levels of ability. This is especially true i...
Is Old Music Killing New Music?
Old songs now represent 70 percent of the U.S. music market, according to the latest numbers from MRC Data, a music-analytics firm. Those who make a living from new music - especially that endangered ...
7 Essential YouTube Tips For Musicians
1. Make your videos shareableIt really helps to make your videos shareable. This means they should be either topical, valuable, relatable or a combination of these. Topical means the video has to do w...
Top 6 Tips for Musicians on Instagram
If you want to be successful these days, you can hardly avoid social media. Instagram, in particular, is growing and growing and is, therefore, a great opportunity for online marketing. Why? You can s...

1. Use less gearImagine how many more gigs you’d be excited (and qualified) to play if your load-in and soundcheck time was cut in half.Over the years I’ve gone from being in a band where I was respon...

I found this story I wrote for a magazine a very long time ago and got a laugh, so I`ll share it with you guys. Maybe you have similar experiences?? Lemme know! When I was a teenager in Hawaii, I g...
Songwriting Tips
InspirationThe first step to writing any song is inspiration. You can approach this several different ways: lyrically, rhythmically, or melodically. Choose a style or feeling that you can relate to an...

It's 7:30 PM. You have the rehearsal space until 10. The keyboard player has car trouble and was supposed to pick up the lead vocalist on the way. Oh, and your regular lead guitarist isn't going ...

1. Winging it is mistaken for spontaneityI constantly run across the attitude of Dude, I've got to be spontaneous – I can't rehearse my show! Sometimes my reply is Awesome – but if you really want to ...

Forget musical tastes. Ignore critical accolades. Set aside arguments about the merits of the music they created.These seven bands, and one individual, sparked major changes not just in music but in t...

So you've set up your SoundCloud or ReverbNation page, put out an EP or album, and announced to all your social media that you've released the greatest track on earth.But, no one wants any part to do ...

Every couple of months, I see another post in my Facebook feed about a band that was cut off by an 18-wheeler or skidded on a patch of black ice and rolled their van into a ditch. Some members are inj...

A band is a unique and complex relationship, and with so many different personalities and goals among band members, things can sometimes get tricky. Some people are direct, some are passive, some are ...
10 Tips for Playing a Mindblowing Set
We all know those bands that completely transform when they step on a stage. True performers make use of every second of their set and push themselves to their very limits. These types of shows are tr...

Getting feedback on your music from a representative sample of your target audience or a seasoned music professional is a great way to measure the progress you're making. Everyone loves that extra boo...

These days it seems like everyone has an opinion on how to make it in the music biz. With all the nonsense that's floating around, rich with all the latest buzz phrases and old-school ideologies, it's...
101 Ways to Improve as a Guitarist
There is a concept called the aggregation of marginal gains, which is based on the principle that vast improvement can be achieved through continuous small improvements. When thinking of this concept ...
How Guitarists Really Practice
The skills of a guitar player will only evolve through consistent practice. This we know. The difficulty lies in actually practicing when we practice. Most of you know what I’m talking about, but for ...

Sometimes you need a little inspiration to kick start the process. Here are 75 light-bulb inducing ideas. 1. Ignore every obstacle anyone has ever put in front of you. 2. Make music everyday...

For the most part, the music business skills guitarists need to build aren't that different from skills other musicians should be equipping themselves with. Communication and networking skills. Market...
6 Ways to Get More People to Your Shows
Do you sometimes feel that your band's draw is languishing? Are you tired of seeing the same people at your shows and want to play to a new crowd, even in your hometown?If you're like most musicians, ...

In case you haven't heard, you can earn money when your sound recordings are used anywhere on YouTube. You can earn money when other people use your sound recordings in their videos and on your own Yo...

Invest in a decent micEach voice has its own tonality and texture and no one microphone is a perfect solution for all voices. Big studios will often line up a bunch of pricey mics at the start of a vo...
What Can You Do with a Music Degree?
21st century musicians typically combine multiple jobs with multiple income streams to support themselves and their families, and to experience fulfilling careers. Performance and non-performance work...
Lip From Urge: Balance and Return
Hi team. Sorry it's been a while, but in between promoting the new Ivy Blue album 19, university, and dealing with some health-related things I haven't had heaps of time to get onto the NZ Bands si...
Reasons Your Sound Guy Openly Hates You
A sound guy can make or break your show. It doesn’t matter how good you play, you are going to sound like shit to the crowd if you aren’t mixed properly. If you piss them off, then they may not take t...
16 Tips for Working Musicians
The most successful bands and artists practice certain fundamentals that have been proven effective time and time again. In order to get better paying gigs and more of them, you'll want to follow in t...
The Awesome Guide to Acoustic Guitar EQ
Before we talk about the specifics of acoustic guitar EQ I want to make sure you're approaching equalization with the right frame of mind. Picture the scene - your living room has become a home s...

Ever wondered why your band struggles to even get pub gigs, yet a fresh new band is packing out venues from day one? Fed up of having to resort to Pay2Play gigs because no decent promoter is willing t...
Surviving A Soundcheck
So lets take it your in a band and you’ve spent endless days , nights and weekends locked away in your practise room, basement or home studio and the days arrived your about to play your first “seriou...
How to audition for a band
So you're auditioning for a band and don't want to mess it up. Here are a few tips:Learn the songsIf you can't learn them all in time, then let the band know this and ask which songs they'd like you t...
How to answer a listing
So you've seen a listing that catches your eye but you're not sure what to say or maybe you've never answered a listing before. Here's a list of tips to get you on the right track and avoid making th...
Music Facts You Didnt Know
Background music does not improve your ability to concentrate but will help you when youre at the gym.A little background noise makes you more creative, a lot hurts creativity.One of the most interest...

For a musician or band that is just getting started, building a local fanbase is the place to begin. Ari Herstand began his music career at the University of Minnesota where he went from being totally...
Lip From Urge 6: Finding a muso on NZ Bands
Hi all.Here I am once again writing for NZ First of all, thank you for the 1000 views of the blog collectively. This is really cool and it's amazing to see that people are reading th...
Lip From Urge: The NzBands Blog: Pt 5: (NOT QUITE) the A-Z of Bands (Give or take a few letters).
Hi all. Here is my blog for the month. Happy belated new year's (I know, late again). So here goes.This month I decided to do something a bit different and touch base on the theme of bands. Obvi...
Date a Bass Player
If there were a Pocket Field Guide to Dating Musicians, it would read like this:This species can best be viewed in its natural habitat, under the colored lights of nightclub stages — and in the drier ...

Hi guys,My name is James Brodie (A.K.A. The Urge from Ivy Blue), and I write the monthly Lip From Urge blog over on NZ Bands.Com, and I thought I would stop by for a little Christmas treat and give yo...

Hi all. I promise to get much better at this NZ Bands blog in terms of timing of the blogs, but considering I've just moved house this isn't too bad for getting something in this month. This...
Now before I get started, don’t go getting all emotional if you feel that your songs may “suck” after reading this post. I’ve wrote and recorded many horrible songs in my day, and I wouldn’t be the mu...
Super-Low Seven-String Tuning
How much lower can we possibly tune an electric guitar?The first mass-produced seven-string guitar was the Ibanez UV7, which was played by none other than Steve Vai, and later made even more popular b...
Do You Suffer from Guitar-Tuner Dependency?
It always starts with something small, a seemingly insignificant act that can have a huge effect on the rest of your life.Horror stories usually begin like this.Guitar tuners. We all use them. Clip-on...

Hi all.Sorry for my absence. Have been so busy with ivy Blue that I haven't had a chance to get a blog done.Right, today I am going to show (tell) you how to get my 3 way delay type sound that I use o...
Top 10 Twitter Tips for Bands - By Bands
Listen up, bands: Twitter is more than just a place to wax poetic from the tour bus and gripe about broken guitar strings (and/or dreams) — it can also help you promote your music and connect with you...
1. You are always late to band practiceNow I’m not talking about being a few minutes late all the time. I am talking about always showing up an hour or two late (if you show up at all). Remember every...
Frustration in the Practice Room
Have you ever finished a practice session and left the room wondering if you just wasted hours of your life? Feeling that you put in the time, but are not sure what (if anything) you have to show for ...
Singing and Playing Guitar at the Same Time
Are you one of the many guitarists who struggle with coordinating their hands and vocals? You know, you can play the song. You can sing the song. But it all goes to pot when you try to do both simulta...
Keegan Donovan from Heavy Metal Ninjas
It’s not often that you can confidently say a band upholds the standards of the scene it belongs to. It’s even less often that you get to meet a member of one of those bands, and talk to them about th...
Effects Loops 101
Effects loops: What are they and why would I want one? Back in the day, I went down to the local music store and bought an Echoplex tape delay, plugged it into my amp, and had a lot of fun. (Ironicall...
When Music Making Lost Its Fun
Have you had that experience when you are in the middle of a recording or mixing session and you suddenly realize that you aren’t having any fun? I sure have. You think it’s just a minor funk th...

Captain Beefheart hired Moris Tepper to be his full-time guitarist in 1976, a position he held until the Captain’s retirement in 1982. Along the way he imparted these handy guitar tips: 1. Listen t...
Pedal Troubleshooting & Maintenance 101
Greetings fellow pedal lovers of the world, welcome back to “Stomp School.” This month we’re going back to basics with some simple troubleshooting and maintenance tips that will keep your pedals healt...
Save your hands
I’d like to explore an approach to picking and fretting the guitar that I’ve been working on for a while. It all began about three years ago, when I started to notice that I was picking a lot harder t...

Every band knows having a Facebook page is essential to reach new fans and have a healthy online social presence. For many, their Facebook page even replaces an official website. Beyond the lure of ac...
Top 10 Myths About Metal
For over 40 years people across the world have explored Metal and it’s many subgenres. So many misjudgements popped up over time that I believe it is important to let people know how misunderstood the...
10 Obscure Fusion Genres
Ever since there has been music, people have been inventing new musical genres by combining two or more different styles in exciting and unusual ways. Fusion genres are the basis of nearly all popular...
6 Artists Accused Of Copyright Infringement
Last week, news broke that electronic artist Deadmau5 was being sued by Disney over claims that his signature mouse helmet and logo are too similar to the Mickey Mouse silhouette logo. Deadmau5 is far...
Band Facts Part 3
1. Following the deadly 1977 crash of the plane carrying the band Lynyrd Skynyrd into a Mississippi swamp, the survivors sought help at a nearby farmhouse, only to have the farmer who lived there shoo...
Band Facts Part 2
1. In 2007 listeners of BBC Radio 2 ranked Queen as the ‘top British band’ of all time, better than The Beatles, Led Zeppelin, and The Rolling Stones. 2. On his last day as a welder, Tony Iommi, g...
Band Facts Part 1
1. George Lucas allowed the band members of ‘N Sync to make a cameo appearance in Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones in order to appease his daughters. The footage was then cut out of the fina...

It's pretty common for a band's lead vocalist to be its most famous member, whether or not they actually deserve it (Ozzy Osbourne...), but there are some cases where the lead vocalist is actually out...
8 Band Names Inspired By Other Artists Names
Coming up with a band name is one of the most important and difficult steps of forming a band. While some artists like to take their names from a song by another artist, such as Radiohead (A Talking H...
3 Email Writing Tips for Musicians
Whether writing an email to promoters, venues or radio stations, there are a few things you can do to increase the chances of getting your message read. 1. Be prepared – do research, compile a list...

Hi all. My name is The Urge, I am from the band ivy Blue, and I am one of the latest writers for NZBands.Co.Nz. I'll be talking about a variety of subjects to do with music, gear, lessons on Ivy...
30 Tips For The Typical Musician
For those of us who embrace shades of mediocrity, here are some tips for becoming a typical musician: Practice Practice one hour a day. However, feel free to skip practice if there is something ...
Depressing Music Sales Stats
1. Ke$ha's single Tik-Tok sold more copies than ANY Beatles or Nirvana single. 2. Flo Rida's track Low sold 2 million more copies than Hey Jude by The Beatles. 3. While we're on the subject of J...
How to ruin your band name
You know that phrase your mum taught you, Don’t judge a book by its cover? Well your mum’s a naive idiot who needs to step into the real world. Covers are a great way to judge books. If you look at a ...
Bands - Get More Fans On Facebook
By now you should have your music, pictures, and name figured out. You should have contacted your friends and family, in person, asking them to help you spread the word about your music by linking to ...
17 Ways to Kill a Music Career
(1) Having a shitty, entitled attitude. If you’re showing up late for gigs, not rehearsing, not supporting your scene, being a dick to your bandmates, and not working slavishly to cultivate your audi...
Things You Should Never Say To A Musician
1. So Are You Trying To Be A Musician I am a musician. Not trying. Trying to be a musician is watching the first YouTube video on how to hold a guitar. Not what I have done for the past 15 years. Tha...
Save your strings
The very first part of this maintenance schedule involves keeping your strings as clean as possible. Since this particular subject happens to be very near and dear to me, I have discovered a few handy...
Promotional Photos – Image Does Matter
Image Matters Whether you’re promoting an upcoming show, distributing posters and one sheets, sending out press releases, building your press kit, doing an interview or article, designing your webs...
Taking Your Live Show To The Next Level
We’ve all been to bars and seen the bands playing the original showcases. Let’s face it; many bands leave most people slightly less than impressed. Live performance can be a tricky beast with so many ...
Prove It
When Alan Turing proposed his famous ‘Turing Test’ in 1950, its purpose seemed clear: prove that machines can think, and thus exhibit the same mental faculties of human beings. His medium of choice wa...
Good stage performance
Whenever you see professional videos from concerts they will always look way more intense than the show really was. This is because the camera crew is doing their job and covering the concert from all...
I Before E, Except During C
“Can you prove that you’re self-aware?” “That’s a difficult question, Dr Tagger. Can you prove that you are?” Such was a conversation that took place in the film “Transcendence”. Regardless of t...

1) Use a metronome. A great musician is of no value if he or she cannot keep time. Either live or in the studio, a musician that cannot keep time will quickly find themselves on the short end of a ...
11 dos and donts for live bands
Sharing gear Do communicate with the others bands on the bill before the evening of the gig to find out what backline will be shared on the night. It''s common for a headline band to let support acts...
20 Tips For Recording Vocals
If you''ve got a storming vocal on tape you''re halfway towards a great production. PAUL WHITE offers some tips on perfecting this most important of recording skills.Even if all the music you make is ...
There are several definitions of this word in the dictionary, including: - “A trait marking one as distinct from others” - “Something uncommon or unusual” So it’s fair to say that the isolated use of...
17 Things Local Bands Just Don’t Get
1. Trashing other bands in your scene isn’t hurting their rep. It’s hurting yours. 2. Acting disinterested with folded arms at the back of the room at other bands’ shows does not make you cool. Sin...