

Originals & Covers Musician from Wellington
Alternative Pop/Rock Soul Rap Alter Bridge Eminem Creed
1 YEAR SINGULARITY i haven't really got a musical background
initially i started singing at a young age....i believe it helped a lot whilst i went through cyfs (known today as oranga tamariki)
ive also struggled alot fitting in with my peers which often made me feel alienated from the rest of the world........i also have ADHD which has had some form of being a hinderance....but its a blessing that im beginning to realise.......,...i also struggle with identity (even still at my age) which im beginning to believe im bisexual (but not that open about it)
for me music has been a giant warm escape from the worries of multiple words dont justify the meaning of music
for me has been the only thing in my life thats been there when i wanted it to doesnt dicriminatte....hate...abuse...lie.....hurt.....
and if it does........its a release
the beauty of music is surreal Stevie Wonder said music is a world within itself -Sir Duke
additional note........i dream of the big stage and performing to thousands
im a lil strange (The Doors are bang on)
dont have a youtube or soundcloud but if you give me a chance........i might just blow you're mind %100
would love to involve myself more with likeminded folks AND JAM!!