Voice Coach

Voice Coach

Service from Auckland

Sally's passion is empowering you to free your natural presence, voice and self-expression for joy, health, confidence, and freedom so you are at ease and full enjoyment in life, while singing, interviewing/ auditioning or performing. She specialises in SaMa* activation therapy - which integrates singing, acting, movement, and awareness exercises to activate your authentic voice and self-expression and to overcome performance anxiety. Sally combines her 20+ experience in the USA and New Zealand as a singer, actor, therapist, and teacher to assist you in bringing out the real you!

Her method is based on her unique methods as found on her three educational recordings:
‘the Three R’s of Singing’ DVD, 'The Naked Speaker: Authentic Voice Power and Presence (CD or Mp3), and Conscious Communication (CD) – which are available on her 'voice of leadership' website www.sallymabelle.com/products.

Email Sally for more detailed information – she’s had success with hundreds of people and she's also an award-winning inspirational speaker. See her testimonials on linkedin or www.sallymabelle.com for details.

Sally's unique vocal method draws on her experience as a professional acting teacher and spiritual psychology practitioner as well as a trained vocalist. She turns traditional singing techniques on their head and focuses on allowing you to fully open up and free your voice.

You will be amazed as your inhibitions around singing are replaced by a sense of the fun and joy in singing. You will develop a confident self-expression and authentic singing voice.

Enhance your self-esteem and confidence - unlock and express suppressed emotions
Learn specific techniques to access your clearest, most powerful and natural voice
Overcome any inhibitions, fears, and shyness around expressing yourself fully
Develop your creativity and ability to express yourself freely.