

Originals & Covers Guitarist from Hamilton
Blues Detroit Rock Alternative Pop/Rock Blues guitarists from the back in the day. Too many to name. Tool, pearl jam, nirvana, Metallica blah blah Led Zep and so many more

I was 47 at the time of writing this. I'm back on Guitar after many years off and need to play with others. I live in Hamilton.
I played a lot at school, learned things like Metallica, GnR, Pearl Jam, ummm.... Their are others but I only seem to remember Over the hills and Far away By Led Zep and a little Nirvana.
I have been focusing on learning the Fretboard and scales, modes and basic music theory. Pretty noob, but learning fast, and I have a pretty good ear for harmony and great rhythm. I can also sing but I don't do it much these days. I'm mostly after someone/ones to Jam but I would be happy if it became longer term.
On a side note I can Tuvan throat sing... sort of... a bit out of practice and it's really hard to teach yourself. Would love to hear from anyone that can teach me more about it.
So it's been a while, I'm 48 now, and I have come a long way, getting closer to a sound and I've become far more comfortable with the guitar. I've gotten hooked on bluesy music and atmospheric major melody. I think I have a lot more to offer now. I do whatever I can to keep the drive going, to keep picking up the guitar every day I can. I'm still a noob but I can see improvement.
I now want more. I NEED more.
I have all my gear, and then some. Been soaking my brain in guitar. Rhythm or lead I want to do it.
49 Still going. I'm comfortable with the guitar. I've worked on all the things I put above and have a firm grip with the fret board. I always practice a little faster than is comfortable and that has helped make me become faster, and my fingers kind of just do what I want without me really knowing what there up too.
I'm now focused on dynamics and feel. Trying to emote though the tone. I've made my own pedals and have can make a lot of nice tones with them. I've not spent anything on guitar stuff for a while as I am very happy with my selection. Next step is Blue Jams. I have a love for blues guitar that I want to develop into a relationship.
50 Now. I can play better now than I wanted when I started learning. It's nice. I have a sound. My new house has bad EM interference and most of my guitars are single coil so I have to do a lot of low gain stuff. Gonna use this site as more of a journal now. Over a thousand people have looked at my profile. No idea why but you are welcome of course. Have had trouble getting together with people on the site. It's hard to tell what people want. Some people get mad if you don't respond fast enough. Others just stop responding. It's all fine. I would love to join a band but I have medical transportation issues and I don't think people want to deal with that. Makes perfect sense. I will try again but I'm not very hopeful. It's like getting your first job. No one want's to take a risk and without experience you have no track record. I can learn all but the hardest of songs and have plenty of time to do so but I have no idea what I should learn so I simply continue to teach my fingers to do what ever the brain wants. Improvisation is fun. Would love to find a quiet place where people can just hop on stage and show their chops. A smoky blues bar with about 15 people and a dude on a double bass. Well here we go again. See you next year.

Listings by Colin (1)
Looking to play. Jamming or whatever. Will need time to learn songs people want me to play. Like 5 minutes if I know the song. Have Gui...