Lip From Urge: The NzBands Blog: Pt 2- Mastering Delay Continued

2149 views Posted by IvyBlue in Tips Articles
Hi guys,

My name is James Brodie (A.K.A. The Urge from Ivy Blue), and I write the monthly Lip From Urge blog over on NZ Bands.Com, and I thought I would stop by for a little Christmas treat and give you guys an online demonstration of something really cool.

In my 2nd most recent blog/lesson thingee, I talked about how I get a good quality delay sound that I use for songs like Forever December or Ballad Of Lover's Flight (or really any of my songs that will suit it). It was interesting thing tot talk about, and after seeing the number of views it gets it certainly has caught some attention.

So while I've been mucking around on the last day for the year in the studio- I just put the recorder going and played along for a few minutes by piecing together some random notes I've been working on to give an idea of how the written turns out on a guitar (sound-wise).

Link is below:

Feel free to ask questions about the music attached, and I will answer the best I can,