Teeceeexperience1701 gmail com

Teeceeexperience1701 gmail com

Covers Musician from Auckland
Blues Funk Soul Chaaka khan Earth Wind & Fire BB King

TeeCee Experience, we are Tony & Chrissy..
We play ole skool covers & We play.our own original stylz...
Tee' funky bass player' lead guitarist, key board player, drummer, percussionist, vocalist AND original song composer.
Chrissy, rhythm guitarist, percussionist, vocalist AND producer..

Currently , original compositions are available
Reverbnation media site, the follwing ratings for the past 21days' for the genre Soul Local 1st, Regional 1st , AND Global 380..

We available for gigs ' preferrably local in the South Auckland & Aucklad districts..
However will travel, providing the arrangements are discussed and agreed